Jessica 23rd May 2013

Dad, if you've been watching and I know you have, you've been looking down and wither shaking your head or smiling real hard. I'd like to think its a little if both. I've been chasing dreams, following my heart, making memories and while these are good things, I'm sure you are me pulling my hair out on those trying days. I need to make a point though, so that you know, although life has gone on and I've found a way to be happy again, it is not without the reminder that you are missing it all. Physically, you're not here to see your granddaughters grow and laugh and be who they are. You're not here to root me on when I need encouragement or to see the way we as a family have bonded and flourished despite your absence. It bothers me everyday that I can't see you smile, but call me crazy...I feel it! You're here in everything we do and your presence from beyond keeps us going when we need it most! Please don't ever think you've been forgotten, I personally count on you many times throughout my day! So I just wanted to drop in and tell you how much I love and miss you! Xoxoxo Daddy! I hope we're making you proud!!