Fathers Day 2011

Created by ippyjr 12 years ago
Hey Bro, as you can see from where you are I worked this day but Mom made a feast for me Mike & Dee & we shared as always some great stories. Mom gave me a beautiful fathers day card but what broke the Ice was that on the front were a black man & his son! We could not stop laughing as it reminded me of the statue you received on one of your birthday cakes with the black accordion man, LEAVE IT TO MOM!!! How about when You, Dad & I would get a moment together too many to list but how we got under his skin lol. I must sit and share with the girls about so many of the times we had that they have never heard. I am missing you so much I ask God to give strength to all of us here, Give Dad & Mootz a Hug and Kiss. I love ALways Little Bro, Bubble Mike. PS Keep the Old man on his toes!!!!!! xoxoxoxo