The Last 5 years

Created by Jessica 14 years ago
I don't know enough about Daddy's childhood to start a chapter about the "younger years" so I hope friends and family can add to that, but I wanted to talk about the last 5 years because, for me, those have been the most memorable. Sure, I have some amazing memories of my father and me and my sisters growing up, but looking back, these were some incredible times. Many people will see his separation from Mommy as his downfall, but I see it in terms of that old saying "when one door closes another one opens." There were many ups and downs, but when that door closed, a relationship I never thought I could have with my dad blossomed. Where so many people thought of Daddy as a loner or even unsociable, I'd like to think that he was the complete opposite when it came to me, my sisters, and our kids. He spent so many afternoons here at my house, holidays (especially Thanksgiving, Easter and Memorial Day) with my friends and inlaws, Mondays in the pool with his grandkids, days at the beach, the park and the zoo. I cherish every one of those days and am so thankful for the memories we made together. See, in the last 5 years, he was not just my Daddy, but my friend. We would have long chats about anything and everything under the sun, especially what television shows we watched. He had a lot to say and where sometimes I may have rolled my eyes watching the clock go with the phone to my ear, I loved those conversations! I would give anything for one more! He absolutely adored his grandkids, even little Leah who he only got to meet a few times. Nicholas was his world...his little buddy. Julia and him were mischevious together. And during my pregnancy to Leah, he was so excited about her arrival. He was even there the day I went into labor...I will never forget that day. So when I think about moving on, and accepting that he is gone, it breaks my heart. A big HUGE part of me is missing and I don't know how to go on without it. I feel his presence around me and I hope he can give me the strength to go on and live a long happy life, its what he would have wanted. The only thing that puts me at peace is knowing he walks beside me in everything I do now.

