Marianne Ippolito 23rd October 2010

One of the many things we had in common was music. This week I;ve had many song lyrics in my head. The one that really comes to mind is..I've seen fire and I 've seen rain...senn sunny days that I thought would never end...seen lonely times when I could not find a friend. but I always thought that I'd see you again. Tommy, I remember the first time I met you and the last time I saw you and all the times in between. Good bad, happy and sad...I'd like to believe that we still had love for one another. SO one more lyric... when sundown pales the sky, I want to hide a while inside your smile and every where I'd look your eyes I'd find. For me to love you now would be the sweetest thing.. would make me sing.. ah but I may as well try and catch the wind...I've you've found peace in this past year and I'll see you on the other side my friend.